Conference & Training Rooms
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Call us today at (812) 204-9283 for pricing and to schedule your event today!
Our facility on Hitch-Peters Road located conveniently near the Evansville Airport has a large Conference Room that can hold up to 300 people!Our conference/reception room also includes:
- Chairs & Tables for all your needs
- Restrooms
- Kitchen with Stove, Sink, Microwave & Refrigerator
- Stage, Projector & Sound System
- Playroom for Children
Training Room 1
Our first training room is a great option for those needing to teach or meet with a smaller group. The room includes access to a computer & TV which is great for powerpoint presentations. This room has seats for 14 students.
Training Room 2
Our second training room is identical to the first. Room for 14 students.
Fill out the form below to request a room!
Click here to view our calendar